
Webinar: Acquire, Retain and Grow Customer Relationships - Profinch

Webinar: Acquire, Retain and Grow Customer Relationships

‘Broken customer experiences’ during different stages of a customer lifecycle has a direct impact on acquiring, retaining and growing customer relationships. Organisations today leverage different teams / functions (online and offline) in driving customer engagements – that work in silos, are disconnected and lead to poor customer experiences with clear impact on bottom lines. Here are some startling statistics:

  • More than 50% of customers tend towards switching brands if unsatisfied with one bad experience
  • Greater than 50% of customers feel that customer service has not improved over the past year
  • Nearly 80% of Customers have backed out of a purchase due to dissatisfying customer experience
  • More than 50% of organizations state the data quality is the biggest challenge in understanding insights.

How can this be addressed with organizations being able to access a “unified view of customers” – with all teams having absolute control and clarity over customer experience?

To watch the webinar Click Here